Nsa Pernah Menyerang 50 Ribu Komputer

Kasus pengintaian yang dilakukan oleh intelijen Amerika Serikat, National Security Agency (NSA), dibongkar satu persatu oleh sang agen, Edward Snowden. Kali ini terungkap, salah satu praktiknya ialah menyerang 50 ribu komputer dengan cara menyebarkan virus malware.

Meja Komputer Hologram

Seperti halnya Microsoft Surface, teknologi terbaru untuk masa depan lainnya, sebuah meja interaktif, EXOdesk, memungkinkan Anda untuk melakukan semua aktivitas pada virtual space.

Persembahan Teknologi Terbaru dari Yamaha di Tahun 2015

Blue Core merupakan jawaban terbaik dari Yamaha bagi para pengguna motor yang membutuhkan sepeda motor yang lebih irit bahan bakarnya.

20 Best Films released in 2015

Salah Satunya adalah Film ini, adapun tokoh utama Jennifer Lawrence dan Josh Hutcherson yang sudah dikontrak resmi untuk memainkan dua tokoh utama, Katniss Everdeen dan Peeta Mellark, sampai film terakhir. “The Hunger Games: Mockingjay (Part 2)” Dirilis 20 November 2015

howard university know

Create Some Magic **http://theuniofhog.proboards.com/

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Mengenal Beragam Giok Aceh

Batu Giok Aceh ada bermacam-macam jenisnya.
Batu ini merupakan salah satu batu akik yang belakangan makin populer dan banyak dicari. Jika  dulu batu giok Aceh hanya dikenal para penggemar batu di Aceh, kini batu hijau tersebut menjadi incaran para penggemar dan kolektor batu akik di Indonesia.

Batu giok Aceh pun mempunyai berbagai macam. Batu giok yang paling populer adalah macam Idocrase dan giok solar. Namun, selain itu masih banyak macam batu giok Aceh yang tidak kalah indah.

Tahun 2013 yang lalu batu giok aceh mulai mencuat ke permukaan pecinta batu akik, memang belum sepopuler sekarang, jika dulu batu giok aceh hanya di kenal oleh kalangan terbatas saja yaitu para pecinta batu akik, atau komutintas batu akik namun sekarang batu giok aceh sudah meluas ke hampir seluruh lapisan masyarakat khususnya di Aceh.

Banyak orang yang dulunya tidak menyukai akan batu akik sekarang malah jadi pecandu batu akik atau batu giok dengan berbagai alasan, ada karena ikut-ikutan dengan teman yang semua merupakan pecinta batu akik ada juga karena suka berbisnis batu giok sebab sangat cepat mendatangkan keuntungan yang berlipat.

Batu giok aceh ternyata memiliki jenis yang bermacam-macam, memang yang paling populer itu adalah batu giok aceh Idocrase dan giok solar namun selain itu ada banyak lagi batu giok Aceh yang bisa Anda temukan di pasaran batu giok aceh.

Berikut ini berbagai macam batu giok Aceh yang dirangkum dari berbagai sumber:

Giok Lumut (Idocrase)
9 Macam batu giok Aceh dan foto-fotonya
Batu Giok Aceh Idocrase/Ist
Macam batu giok Aceh yang satu ini yang paling fenomenal karena memenangkan kompetisi batu akik yang diadakan di Jakarta beberapa waktu lalu. Warna giok idocrase ini hijau muda dan transparan, ada bercak-bercak hijau didalamnya yang menandakan itu adalah batu giok.

Giok Solar
9 Macam batu giok Aceh dan foto-fotonya
Batu Giok Solar
Batu giok macam solar juga berhasil laku dengan harga yang fantastis karena terjual dengan harga Rp 2,5 milyard dengan berat total 2,5 kg. Warna batu giok solar mirip sekali dengan minyak solar, coklat muda transparan. Batu giok solar juga ada dua macam, yaitu giok solar saja dan batu giok bio solar Aceh.

Giok Nanas
9 Macam batu giok Aceh dan foto-fotonya
Batu Giok Nanas/Ist
Batu giok Nanas ini memiliki warna putih dengan serat didalamnya menyerupai daging buah nanas.

Giok Anggur
9 Macam batu giok Aceh dan foto-fotonya
Batu Giok Anggur/Ist
Seperti macam batu giok yang lain, macam batu yang satu ini berwarna menyerupai warna daging buah anggur dengan serat yang mirip juga dengan daging buah anggur.

Giok Loreng
9 Macam batu giok Aceh dan foto-fotonya
Batu Giok Loreng/Ist
Macam batu giok ini memang jarang ditemukan. Batu giok ini bukanlah termasuk batu giok super karena serat-serat didalamnya mirip sekali seperti baju loreng kesatuan bersenjata.

Giok Salju
9 Macam batu giok Aceh dan foto-fotonya
Batu Giok Salju/Ist
Seperti namanya batu giok salju ini berwarna putih seperti salju. Lihat lebih lengkap tentang batu giok salju Aceh.

Giok Hitam (Black Jade)
9 Macam batu giok Aceh dan foto-fotonya
Batu Giok Hitam/Ist
Batu giok ini berwarna hitam pekat namun memiliki serat khas batu giok

Giok Nephrite 
9 Macam batu giok Aceh dan foto-fotonya
Nephrite Aceh/Ist
Batu giok nephrite merupakan batu giok yang berwarna hijau. Batu giok ini merupakan yang paling umum ditemukan, baik di Aceh maupun di China.

Giok Neprite Pucuk pisang
9 Macam batu giok Aceh dan foto-fotonya
Giok Neprite Pucuk pisang/Ist
Batu nephrite putuk pisang ini masih sejenis batu giok niprite. Warnanya yang agak hijau muda yang membuat batu giok ini meskipun murah tapi indah di pandang jika sudah di asah menjadi batu cincin atau gelang.

* Source : www.djurnal.com; www.batuakiktermahal.com.

Berita Mengejutkan Awal Tahun 2015


Tidak diragukan lagi NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) adalah lembaga penelitian luar angkasa Amerika yang paling sering membuat gebrakan serta penemuan-penemuan mencengangkan.
Sejak berdiri tahun 1985 silam NASA setidaknya sudah meluncurkan 1000 lebih misi penjelajahan untuk meneliti bumi dan alam semesta. Salah satu misi yang baru-baru ini paling menggemparkan dunia adalah ketika NASA dan ESA (badan antariksa Eropa) berhasil mendaratkan satelit pertama di sebuah komet.
Selain itu, ternyata masih banyak penemuan hebat yang dilakukan oleh NASA yang tidak hanya menambah ilmu pengetahuan, tetapi juga merubah cara berpikir manusia tentang jagad raya.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Blue Core Engine Yamaha Mio 125 Kompresi Tinggi Tembus 60 km/liter lebih dingin

yuk bedah mesin blue core yamaha 125 cc air cooled…..
Blue Core Engine Scooter 125 cc Yamaha 1
setidaknya ada 4 kelebihan yang ditawarkan yamaha pada mesin blue corenya yakni
1. irit bahan bakar ( 60 km/liter )
2. efisien dengan kompresi besar
3. lebih dingin
4. lebih bertenaga..
yuk dibahas…
yamaha Mio M3 125 Blue Core Engine explanation 9
teknologi terbaru yamaha ini menganut tagline smart technology for smart life yang mengedukasi penggunanya agar menggunakan teknologi pintar untuk kehidupan pintar..

blue core engine memaksimalkan port in dan out

yamaha Mio M3 125 Blue Core Engine explanation 0
tujuannya supaya campuran bahan bakar dan udara lebih lancar, sementara untuk out supaya buang juga lebih lancar.. hal ini menbuat mesi efisien..

kompresi besar

yamaha Mio M3 125 Blue Core Engine explanation 1
yamaha blue core engine 125 menggunakan kompresi yang besar untuk kelas matic yakni 11:1 , pertamax only ( minimal ron 92 ) hal ini bertujuan supaya pembakaran optimal, tenaga optimal, lantas jika pake premium ron 88? tidak seoptimal rom 92…

tenaga kuda lebih besar

yamaha Mio M3 125 Blue Core Engine explanation 2
tentu dengan kubikasi 125 cc, tenaga yang dikail si blue core akan lebih tinggi ketimbang matic yamaha sebelumnya yang cuma 115 cc ( tepatnya 113 an )

bensin lebih irit

yamaha Mio M3 125 Blue Core Engine explanation 3
cc lebih besar bukannya tambah boros? belum tentu, dengam kubikasi 125 cc yamaha mengklaim si blue core tembus 60 km/liter ( menggunakan high octane ) .. lebih irit juga dengan blue core technology

yamaha Mio M3 125 Blue Core Engine explanation 4 

lebih dingin

meisn jadi lebih dingin dengan blue core technlogi karena mengunakan kipas berbaling-baling banyak…
yamaha Mio M3 125 Blue Core Engine explanation 5
sudutnya juga telah dihitung supaya angin yang masuk meniup kisi-kisi mesin lebih banyk, lebih deras, mesin lebih dingin.. hal ini didukung dengan piranti lain yakni oil injector ( kalau nggak salah sebut ) guna menyemprotkan oli mesin ke piston saat bekerja
yamaha Mio M3 125 Blue Core Engine explanation 6
tak hanya oli, juga yamaha blue core engine mengunakan Offset Crankshaft untuk mengurangi friksi aka gesekan Piston dengan Liner / boring..
dengan teknologi diatas, yamaha Mio M3 125 blue core engine bakalan wah nih…


Sunday, December 7, 2014

Yamaha’s new Blue Core tech explained

Yamaha has a new tech with a new name, but what’s it really about?

Yamaha FZ-S V2.0.

Yamaha’s new ‘Blue Core’ technology is a combination of engineering enhancements that the company is positive has helped make the FZ 14 percent more efficient than before, without sacrificing performance. So, what is at the heart of the new Blue Core engine? 


Blue Core’s gains are derived from three focus areas – improvement of combustion efficiency, reduction of power loss and more precise control of fuel supply. Externally the only obvious change on the FZ’s motor is the fuel-injector in place of a carburettor. The closed loop fuel-injection system provides precise control of fuel supply; however, Yamaha claims that in the future the Blue Core philosophy will be applied to non-FI engines in the portfolio as well. On the inside, Yamaha’s Indian R&D arm has made extensive changes to improve combustion efficiency. The two-valve head has a new design for the intake port and the formerly offset valves are now aligned for better flow. The combustion chamber has also been optimised for better burning. 


If you look at the specs, you will notice that the now 149cc V2.0 FZ-FI bike’s peak power of 12.9bhp and peak torque of 1.3kgm are lower than before. This is partly because displacement has dropped marginally to 149cc because the bore has been reduced to 57.3mm, reducing friction. The knock on effects reach further, as you gain a lighter piston, lighter connecting rod and a crankshaft; which improve the motor’s response to throttle inputs. Yamaha has also introduced a smart electrical charging system, which reduces the charge drawn from the dynamo when the electricity consumption is lower. For instance, during the day when the headlight is not being used, the system will draw less power and reduce drag torque on the engine, which again works towards improve efficiency. 


On the road, it is clear that Yamaha has been able to maintain performance levels even though the new FZ with FI is down in terms of power and torque. A lighter chassis, altered gearing for final drive and the Blue Core engine have made the FZ FI more responsive and ever eager to rev, while also enhancing refinement. 


Despite the improvement in engine character and performance, with Blue Core, Yamaha should be able to deliver better fuel-efficiency to the frugal riders. The FZ FI’s fuel-efficiency is expected to nudge above the 50kpl range in the real world, although we will soon put it through a road test just to make sure. 

Source* autocarindia

What does the Blue Core tech in the new Yamaha FZ version 2.0 mean really?

Yamaha believes – as do the other Japanese companies – that the Indian customer’s need for sportier, more exciting and stylish products exists without any compromise or backing off on the need for exceptional fuel economy. Yamaha R&D India’s chief Toshikazu Kobayashi started from here as he went on to explain the Yamaha Blue Core technology at the launch of the new Yamaha FZ V2.

Yamaha R&D India’s chief Toshikazu Kobayashi explains the Yamaha Blue Core technology

Blue Core, says Yamaha, is their “New Generation Engine Development Ideal.” It suggests that you can have performance and those attributes, which the company broadly categorises as fun elements while enjoying low fuel consumption, which comes broadly in the Eco category. To drill down further, this means that the engine development must take care of combustion efficiency, loss of power and control fuel supply and ignition timing to maximise engine performance as well as economy.

Yamaha says that Blue Core as an idea will spread to all of its models and that does not mean that they will all be fuel injected, like the FZ is now either. Yamaha officials did mention that Blue Core is an international program though I’ve so far found only one reference to it outside of the new FZ coverage and that is to a 125cc scooter engine which uses Blue Core ideas as well.

In sum, Blue Core is a new set of guidelines for Yamaha R&D India to follow while developing or updating new engines which should result in more useable power (not necessarily more power), greater economy and cleaner tail pipe emissions (if they’re not a direct product, they will be a side-effect because emission norms get tighter as time passes). The only concrete thing we’ve found on the Blue Core is that it guns for primary platform development rather than the use of assistive or supplementary technology like start-stop systems, electric assistance etc. If you notice, we’ve said a lot and there’s very little substance to this Blue Core in terms of explanation so far. This is not a coincidence and it doesn’t mean Blue Core is pure marketing either.

Yamaha is, in fact, the third Japanese manufacturer to have a term for engines that’re better at both performance and economy. Honda debuted HET (Honda Eco Technology) with theActiva update a year ago while Suzuki has SEP (Suzuki Eco Performance). And if you look for detailed explanations, you’ll realise that there isn’t a clear, deeply technical one for HET or SEP either. Allow us to explain.

Blue Core, SEP and HET all talk about guidelines, for engine and frame development, that aim for lighter vehicle weight, high combustion efficiency (which has both performance and economy benefits) and the reduction in power losses (that’s the power lost as heat or to friction during running operation). Since these guidelines apply to platforms and development, it is hard to be specific unless you’re talking about a specific product that employs these guidelines and produces a tangible, or at least claimed, benefit.

Yamaha say the process of redesigning the engine caused them to nearly create a brand new engine

To return to the FZ V2, Yamaha say the process of redesigning the engine caused them to nearly create a brand new engine. In spec terms, the big difference is that the bore is marginally smaller while the stroke is the same. This gives the 4cc lower displacement of 149cc to the new FZ. A smaller displacement is perhaps directly linkable to the slightly lower overall power 13.1PS at 8,000rpm and the slightly lower overall torque 12.8Nm at 6,000rpm. This doesn’t sound like an all-new engine until you realise that Yamaha saved 1.5kg in total from the engine alone in the new generation. It features a lighter crankshaft and a lighter piston (and hence the con-rod can be lighter as well). Lighter moving parts, again, means the engine has to consume less of its own power to keep moving while a smaller bore means the interface area between piston and cylinder wall reduces which is a small but probably valuable reduction in friction as well. Without giving specifics, Yamaha have also reworked the shape of the combustion chamber, retuned the intake port, altered the placement of the two valves for better overall combustion and the exhaust doesn’t just look different, it is all-new. Elsewhere, Yamaha mentioned the roller rocker arm, lighter moving parts, optimised crankshaft inertia, an advanced electric charging system (which consumes much less power when the headlight is off, for instance) and the offset crank (the con-rod is parallel to the cylinder bore at TDC to eliminate any extra friction from the rocking motion of a non-offset crankshaft) as elements that cut power losses. Yamaha have not changed any of the gear ratios and the only variation is the change in the rear sprocket which is a 41-tooth cog now – the old one wears 40.

Yamaha says that Blue Core as an idea will spread to all of its models and that does not mean that they will all be fuel injected

Yamaha says this gives the bike superior acceleration to 100kmph as well as 14 per cent better economy than the old FZ – which remains on sale and is being superseded but not replaced by the FZ V2. Yamaha also claim, less vocally, a 29 per cent cut in CO2 emissions, 33 per cent lower HC+NOx and 20 per cent lower NOx from the new engine.

Yamaha say they’re recommending a 6,000km interval for injector cleaning for best performance

The closed-loop fuel injection system is new and it has a role to play in the precision of fuelling as well but we wouldn’t give it too much credit. Indian motorcycles, especially ones like the FZ that already offer a decent balance of power and economy while meeting emissions norms have to, by design, come with extremely efficient, well-tuned carburetion. The inherent gain from adding fuel injection in pure power or economy terms, therefore, is limited. That said, the FI system is sure to make the throttle response more crisp and the motorcycle’s sensitivity to altitude changes much less. Yamaha say they’re recommending a 6,000km interval for injector cleaning for best performance and that its service centres will have all the equipment they need for this.

Yamaha developed a new chassis for the FZ which led to an over 1.5kg saving over the old FZ

The final part of Blue Core – though not directly attributed to it because it isn’t an engine technology per se – is the new chassis. Yamaha developed a new chassis for the FZ which led to an over 1.5kg saving over the old FZ which makes the FZ, at 132kg (kerb), the lightest of the 150cc class bikes, says Yamaha. It is the combination of the weight savings from the engine and the frame that total up to nearly 3.5kg. As you know, weight savings improve economy and performance both immediately.

Yamaha will roll out this kind of all-pervasive tuning and redesign to its various platforms over time and you’ll see the Blue Core logo appear in more places, probably with brand ambassador John Abraham pointing at you with a signature to certify some mysterious stamp of bolly-approval. But the point is that Yamaha is embarking (as, you can be sure, have Honda and Suzuki) on an R&D project that will result in engines that make similar or more power but not at the expense of economy. Yamaha clarified that the fuel injection system isn’t naturally a part of the Blue Core though the ever-tightening emissions norms and steady drop in OEM fuel injection system prices should allow more and more two-wheelers to eschew carburettors.

Source* overdrive.in

Friday, December 5, 2014

Aceh Planet - Review

Banyak Tempat di Indonesia yang bisa dijadikan tempat destinasi wisata anda dan bersama keluarga, dari Sabang sampai Merauke terdapat wisata-wisata yang menarik yang bisa dijadikan target kunjungan Anda. Indonesia yang terkenal dengan Wisata Budaya sampai dengan Bahari menjadikan Indonesia tercinta ini menjadi Top Destination Asia.

Aceh Planet - Tempat Ngumpul Para Penggemar Adventure

Suka bersosialisasi di jejaring sosial Wisata? Jangan lupa, gabung juga di Aceh Planet. Ini adalah jejaring sosial Wisata Pertama di Aceh bertema Adventure in Aceh, dan semua orang suka Adventure atau Wisata. Melalui situs ini, Anda dapat berbagi tentang Destinasi dan Wisata yang Anda sukai, serta berteman dengan orang-orang yang berselera Adventure atau Wisata sama dengan Anda.

Sumber*Aceh Planet.com